Sunday 28 July 2013

Is your house a Quirky House?

I don't know if you have been caught up in all the house improvement shows lately like "The Block" and "House Rules". I have been watching and drooling over all the beautiful furniture and finishes that they manage on these shows. 
You start to think about how it would be to have a perfect house but then I think, I wouldn't fit in a perfect house. I would have to be perfect to live in a perfect house. I would have to be neat and tidy and have everything in it's place. 
That is why I like to live in a Quirky House like the ones I have painted in this print. We aren't all the same and it is time to let it all out  and be our quirky selves. So dare to be different. Perfect is fine for some people but personality is great for all of us. 

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